Resource Recycling and Auto Parts Manufacturing and Sales

Basic Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

Basic Philosophy

Keiaisha Group will contribute to the sustainable development of a recycling-oriented society by aiming to reduce its environmental impact and energy consumption to enable the preservation of the global environment.

Guidelines for Action

  1. We properly dispose of environmental pollutants (chemical substances, wastewater, sludge, etc.) generated through our business.
  2. We will comply with environmental laws, ordinances, and agreements.
  3. Through our business activities, products, and services, we will strive to conserve raw materials and energy and use resources in a sustainable manner.
  4. We will promote environmental education and awareness activities to raise the environmental awareness of our employees and disclose our environmental policy to the public.
  5. In order to achieve this environmental policy, we will set targets within economically and technically feasible limits and strive for continuous improvement and pollution prevention. For this purpose, we will conduct internal audits and review our environmental management system on a regular basis.

Environmental Management

  • We promote environmental management activities in accordance with our environmental management system (ISO 14001).
  • Extract risks and opportunities, identify key issues, and incorporate them into the mid-term strategy. We set company-wide goals and develop them for each department.
  • Progress is managed at quarterly meetings of the Environment, Safety, and Health Management Committee, and activities are implemented across the company.
  • The company-wide Environmental Safety and Health Management Committee regularly monitors progress and shares information to implement activities.