Resource Recycling and Auto Parts Manufacturing and Sales

Responding to Climate Change

Our CO2 emissions have been steadily decreasing since fiscal 2019.

We believe that we are making a significant contribution to the realization of a sustainable society through our primary business activities, which include aluminum production, scrap steel handling, and ELV collection. In the future, we aim to become carbon neutral by transitioning to renewable energy and contributing to resource recycling.

Contribution Amount

Manufacturing from recycled raw materials uses less energy than the process of making new materials from scratch. We consider this difference in energy consumption as the amount of contribution we make. The direct emissions from our factories and offices are approximately 8,000 tons of CO2 per year, which amounts to a 700,000-ton contribution.

Contribution of Recycled Aluminum to Society

The CO2 load of recycled aluminum is 1/30 of that of smelted aluminum, contributing to a reduction of 9 tons of CO2 emissions per ton of aluminum.

(Source: Aluminum Association 2050 Vision)

Contribution of Steel Scrap to Society

The CO2 load of electric furnace steel from steel scrap is 1/4 that of blast furnace steel, contributing to a reduction of 1.5 tons of CO2 emissions per ton.

(Exhibit: Mitsubishi Research Institute/ Ministry of the Environment Subcommittee on Domestic Emissions Trading Scheme, Iron and Steel Federation)

Contribution of Recycled Parts from End-of-life Vehicles

Usable parts recovered from end-of-life vehicles are used as recycled parts, and the remaining aluminum and steel scraps are used to create vehicles.

(Source: Green Point System)

Our CO2 contribution is 700,000 tons

About CO2 Emissions

CO2 Emissions

CO2 Emissions

Our CO2 emissions are hovering between 8,000 and 9,000 tons.
In FY2023, it was 7,684 tons, a decrease of 400 tons compared to FY2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the future, we will aim for "carbon neutral" by considering the conversion to renewable energy and contributing to resource recycling.

CO2 Emissions Per Unit Sales

CO2 Emissions Per Unit Sales

The index is calculated by dividing the CO2 emissions directly emitted from the company by the sales amount.
The index has been improving over the past five years, as it was 100 in FY2018 and 90 in FY2022.